We do have a new addition to the extended family - my brother received an 8 week old Chocolate Lab puppy for Christmas. We are so happy to have Homer Belknap as part of the family. Greta is slowly getting used to her new cousin. They do really great when playing outside. Playing inside is a different matter though - although I do have to say she has only bitten him twice so that's not too bad right? :)

Christmas was bittersweet - it definitely was not the same without my grandparents. But it reminded me that Christmas is about our Savior and Lord's birth - and what makes it even more special is to celebrate it with the ones you love. So I hope from now on to really soak in holiday time with family and friends and not get caught up in the business of the season that can sometimes take over.
Mike and I celebrated our 4th year wedding anniversary on December 30th! Wow the Lord has blessed us over these four years. We have had so much fun together and we cannot wait to see what the Lord brings our way in 2009!

We spent New Years Eve with family and friends. A very yummy dinner at Z Tejas made it even better!

January 1st Mike and I packed up our bags and headed off to Washington DC for our annual anniversary trip. We had two full days to explore all DC has to offer. The highlights of our trip included Arlington Cemetery (Mike's fave) and The National Gallery of Art (my fave). I will also always have a very wonderful memory of visiting the Louis Vuitton store in DC :)
This weekend Mike and I are headed off to Houston with the Kings to enjoy the THJA banquet (related to all the horse stuff). We are ready to have a rockin good time! Hopefully I will have good pictures to post next week!