Little Big Town just released their new album The Reason Why this week. My opinion in two words: LOVE IT. The harmony that comes from this group is so soulful. A friend of mine turned me onto this group about a year ago. I fell in love with several of their songs from previous records – Boondocks and A Little More You are among my faves. I feel like this new album though has the potential to really showcase their talent and put them over the top.
The hit single Little White Church just makes me want to DANCE. It’s one of those songs that when it comes on the radio – well let’s just say it’s rather fun to sing along with. Or rather belt IT out. I hope no one has seen me when I’m driving to that song.
Lean Into It brought me to tears the first time I listened to it. And I have been walking around with The Reason Why stuck in my head for the past two days! You can listen to the album for free right now at http://littlebigtown.com/media/albums/reason-why