I was going through old computer files today and I found this poem I had written right after we had to put down the dogs that my brother and I grew up with...Shiner and Clara. I have been so blessed to have lots of animals in my life growing up over the years. Max and Katie were my parents dogs when I was born. Then we got Shiner and Clara towards the end of Katie's life. And of course I have so many cherished memories with my pony, Revision. Revision was my Christmas present from "Santa" when I was in the fourth grade. To this day that is my most fond Christmas memory I have as a child growing up. I mean what little girl doesn't want to wake up to find a note under the Christmas tree that Santa had given her a pony. It was awesome. Little did Santa know that Revision would live until I was a Junior in college :) So this is a little poem about the animals in my life whom I miss dearly.
Ode to Shining Stars
In Remembrance of the wonderful animals of my life
Max, Katie, Revision, Clara, and Shiner
You knew me as a young one
Always so patient and kind
What more could a child ask for
But for the love you gave every time
So many years we spent together
Outside rain or shine
You always were there for me
Time after Time
I will miss you all the days of my life
Always a shining star in my mind
You gave me so much joy
I so wish we had more time
As you rest yourself in God’s good hands
I thank Him all the time
He gave me all those years with you
Now rest in peace you blessed beast
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Book/Movie Review

While I was out of work sick all last week….I did a whole lot of two things: sleeping and watching movies. I think we rented around 10 movies total last week…seriously…I know….Blockbuster was my new friend last week. I was able to catch up on chick flicks that I otherwise would not have rented if it were a movie night for Mike and me. I do have to give him some credit though…sometimes he gives in and watches a chick flick. Out of the ten movies that I rented…two stuck out as my faves.
Movie number one was Penelope w/Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon. (Reese also produced the movie.) Christina Ricci plays the main character – a “blue blood” heiress who is cursed with a pig snout. To break the spell she thinks she has to marry another “blue blood” rich boy. Nobody will of course because of her pig snout. But really the whole time it was in her power to break the spell…once she realized she loved herself as she was…pig snout and all. It was a great movie about inner beauty and loving yourself as you are – something we don’t normally see on screen today. I loved it and highly recommend it – oh and for you guys – Mike came in towards the end of the movie and got hooked. So it’s not just for the ladies!
Movie number two was P.S. I Love You. Hilary Swank plays the leading female role. Now first I have to give a forewarning. I cried through this entire movie. It’s a beautiful film about love but it is really really sad too. Hilary Swank’s husband dies of a brain tumor and in his dying days he writes all of these letters to her and has them sent to her after he has passed away with instructions on things to do to help her cope with his death. The entire movie I kept putting myself in her shoes – thinking about how I would react in that situation and I kept thinking about how you really have to live everyday like it’s your last because you just never know when your time will be up. Yes it sounds depressing…and again…I cried the whole movie. But the acting was superb – storyline was really good – I really loved it. Just watch it with a box of tissues.
Movie number two was P.S. I Love You. Hilary Swank plays the leading female role. Now first I have to give a forewarning. I cried through this entire movie. It’s a beautiful film about love but it is really really sad too. Hilary Swank’s husband dies of a brain tumor and in his dying days he writes all of these letters to her and has them sent to her after he has passed away with instructions on things to do to help her cope with his death. The entire movie I kept putting myself in her shoes – thinking about how I would react in that situation and I kept thinking about how you really have to live everyday like it’s your last because you just never know when your time will be up. Yes it sounds depressing…and again…I cried the whole movie. But the acting was superb – storyline was really good – I really loved it. Just watch it with a box of tissues.
My first book review (oh how exciting!) is about Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. It’s the first book in the Twilight saga series. I had heard about these books for sometime now. I try to keep up with the “newest and coolest” books out there. It’s just kind of my thing. I am not a huge science fiction person - although I did love the Harry Potter series – but lately everywhere I kept turning I felt like these books would appear or someone would be talking about them. Mike and I were in Barnes and Nobles one night reading (if you can’t find us during the week Barnes and Nobles should be your first place to look…yep I’m a big book worm and my poor hubby has to put up with my B&N obsession :) and I wasn’t totally into the book I was reading. B&N had a huge Twilight display at the front of the store and I decided what the heck and picked the book up to buy. Well later that night I was sucked in and I could not put the book down. I am now reading the second book in the series New Moon. So it’s a bit different from Harry Potter in that it’s a love story from the start. But the storytelling on Stephanie Meyer’s part is fabulous. She totally sucked me right in just like J.K. Rowling did. It’s very rare now in my “adult” (did I just write adult…clarification…I don’t feel like an adult though) reading life that I stay up super late to read a book…but this series is proving to roll into my sleep time at night. I highly recommend the series if you are 1) a Harry Potter fan and 2) a fan of love stories.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ok so I haven’t blogged in awhile since I started this blog. Mainly because I haven’t been at a computer in about a week and a half for any length of time. I have been sick...and without giving TMI basically I have been diagnosed with condition called interstitial cystitis….an autoimmune disease of the bladder. This diagnosis has explained so much about the past year and a half…mainly why I have been so sick. I’m not going to lie…it definitely is a scary diagnosis to me especially since it’s something the medical community doesn’t fully understand and there is no cure. But I have a great doctor and she is trying to do everything possible to guide me though this…and then of course I am in the hands of the ultimate Healer..the Great I Am. You have no idea how much I have taken comfort in that over the past week. But thankfully I am starting to feel a lot better. Sunday was my best day by far from the past week. I was able to go ride Mr. Magoo (Praise!) and I made it to church too (another Praise!). Mike and I served on the Welcome Team together and greeted people at the front door for the 5 o’clock service at church on Sunday. You can only imagine how serving in this capacity totally hits home for Mike’s personality….and we had a great time serving together. So as I am coming out of this “IC flare” as they call it…I am choosing to remain optimistic that better days are ahead!
Friday, August 15, 2008
“It Happens”…..the song written about my life.

It's my debut blog entry and I thought what better way to start than by writing about something I most recently identified with. So Sugarland released their new album Love on the Inside and I was listening to the album on iTunes (it's terrific by the way) and I came across the song “It Happens”. I immediately identified with the song and I thought “this song was written about my life”. I had Mike listen to it...he laughed, and said, “Yep…you’re right…this song is about your life”. Not sure how they did it but kudos to Sugarland….and it’s a catchy tune too :)
Lyrics to “It Happens” by Sugarland
Lyrics to “It Happens” by Sugarland
Missed my alarm clock ringing
Woke up telephone screaming
Boss man singing his same old song
Rolled in late about an hour
No cup of coffee, no shower
Walk of shame with two different shoes on
Now it is poor me, why me, oh me
Boring the same old worn out blah blah story
There is no good explanation for it at all
Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning
Ain't no need to over think it
Let go laughing
Life don't go quite like you planned it
We try so hard to understand
Irrefutable, indisputable
The fact is
It happens
My trusty-rusty had a flat
I borrowed my neighbors Cadillac
"I'll be right back," going down to Wally World
That yellow light turned red too quickly
Knew that the truck moment it hit me
Out stepped my ex and his new girl
("Sorry 'bout your neck baby")
But it is poor me, why me, oh me
Boring the same old worn out blah blah story
There is no good explanation for it at all
Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning
Ain't no need to over think it
Let go laughing
Life don't go quite like you planned it
We try so hard to understand
Irrefutable, indisputable
The fact is
It happens
Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning
Ain't no need to over think it
Let go laughing
Life don't go quite like you planned it
We try so hard to understand
Irrefutable, indisputable
The fact is
It happens
Yeah, the irrefutable, indisputable, absoluteable, totally beautiful fact is
It happens
It happens
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