This past Saturday was my 10 year high school reunion. Say what? Yea you heard me. 10 years! Goodnight time is flying by. What I love most about the past 10 years is that the crowd I went with to the reunion was just like any other typical Saturday night. Our group of girls was one tight knit group in high school. And we have stayed tight over the past 10 years. I have been so blessed by this group of gals. Each one is so special and dear to me. Beautiful on the outside - and most importantly on the inside. I love that we keep up on a weekly if not daily basis. Through time we have all definitely grown up and changed. For the better. We've been there for the good times and the bad times. But thankfully most of it has been all good. Three weddings and a baby later. With lots more weddings and babies to come. And memories. Oh the memories. Friends definitely do make the world go round. For me anyways.
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