Monday, September 8, 2008

It’s all about pH balance people!

I’m sitting here at work and my eyes are bugged out as usual after a typical Monday. Monday’s are filled with numbers. It’s so ironic because my least favorite subject in school was always math. Yet my Monday’s are encompassed with math – sales figures, ROI, percentages, yuck, yuck and more yuck. So while my mind decompresses from the world of math I thought I would blog about the new info I came across last week. You know about the latest diagnosis in what has become my health saga for the past year and a half. I started thinking on Friday how I have issues with acid reflux and now I have a definite diagnosis of IC. Is there any underlying big picture here that I'm missing here? And I swear the Lord popped one word into my brain: ACID. Well duh. Why did I not think of that before? Of course! Acid reflux is due to an excessive amount of acid in your stomach. And the IC flairs occur because my bladder is irritated by acid. (Sorry if that’s TMI but it’s the truth). So obviously my body’s natural pH is out of whack - I must be too acidic. Now what should I do about that? Well of course I went to the internet and started to Google about the body’s pH balance. Boy did I find a wealth of information out there. Lots of people are totally convinced that a lot of sickness is due to the fact that our bodies pH is totally out of balance due to the typical American’s diet. I had no idea that certain foods were acidic. I mean I knew the basics – coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, onions, ect. But I had no idea meat became acidic once our bodies broke it down. And what is the majority of food that we consume? Meat! Or at least us non vegetarians I guess I should say. So I am going to give this a go and try to eat a diet consisting of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods for the next couple of weeks and see how I feel. A balanced diet would consist of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods but since I am trying to become less acidic I will bulk up on the alkaline foods for now. Up until now I was definitely consuming more acidic foods than alkaline foods without even realizing it. I will tell you though after three days of doing this I can already tell a difference… acid reflux is subsiding. I don’t think this is a coinkeedink. If you are wondering what is an alkaline food and what is an acidic food – check out the following website – it gives you examples of foods in each category. Interesting stuff. It’s all about pH balance people! :)

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