So there is a viral “25 Things about Me” going around on Facebook. I decided to blog about this first and then post on Facebook. PS….I am obsessed with Facebook. It’s unhealthy – it’s the number 1 reason I wanted an iPhone. Oh well that should be a totally different blog entry. Back to “25 Things about Me”!
1) I love classical music – I’m obsessed with Itzhak Perlman.
2) Growing up math was my least favorite subject yet I deal with numbers all day long in my job.
3) I met my husband country western dancing and I thought he looked like Tim McGraw (my husband says God blinded me).
4) Pink = half the clothes in my closet.
5) Mr. Darcy and Ron Weasley are my two most favorite characters – if you don’t know who they are then you just aren’t cool.
6) I love that my husband calls me Beloved.
7) My middle named is Loving – after Oliver Loving – my great(to the third) grandfather who was one of the first men to blaze cattle into Texas with Charles Goodnight. Hence the infamous Goodnight-Loving Trail. And why is the family not in the cattle business? I don’t know.
8) I miss my grandparents so much it hurts.
9) My secret wish is to some day finish a book I have started.
10) I have owned my horse twice.
11) Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal of the day.
12) I almost always fall asleep while watching one of the following moves: Pride and Prejudice, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Enchanted, The Devil Wears Prada, Friends, (or The Office if my husband beats me to bed).
13) I was on the Texas Rowing Team my freshman year in college.
14) Back in 2000 I sat next to Heath Ledger on a plane.
15) I have an affliction for designer purses – I blame my grandmother for that.
16) My favorite place to be is a) on a horse or b) reading a book on the beach.
17) I heart coffee. I am trying to only drink decaf now but it’s really hard!
18) Every time I come home no matter what my day has been like I smile because my dog acts like she hasn’t seen me in a year and goes bananas because she is so happy to see me.
19) Austin has been my home for 25 years.
20) I could spend hours everyday in Barnes and Noble – I love the smell of books.
21) I would like to go back to school at some point for a MBA.
22) Over the course of my life my family has had 6 dogs, 2 horses, 1 rabbit, 3 hamsters, 5 birds, numerous fish, and a partridge in a pear tree.
23) Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
24) Sushi is my new fave food.
25) The song “It Happens” by Sugarland is about my life.